Episode 206 - How To Reflect On Your Year (FBF) // Original Air Date: 12/23/22
It seems like society puts a lot of emphasis and excitement on New Year’s resolutions, but we rarely talk about following up with the previous year’s accomplishments.

Episode 205 - 100 Ways To Improve Your Life (FBF) // Original Air Date: 12/16/22
Wow… 100 episodes! We are so thrilled to have met this milestone. We couldn’t have done it without our amazing community of listeners and our support system of close loved ones.

Episode 119 - Plants and Self-Care: How Caring for Plants Can Reduce Stress, Increase Joy and Improve Our Health
Plant care is self-care. That’s Maria Failla of the Growing Joy with Plants Podcast’s motto. Plants, and the lessons that have come from caring for them, have been the single most impactful wellness tool in Maria’s life, and she hopes Growing Joy helps empower others to experience the incredible shifts that come from reconnecting with nature.

Episode 118 - Creating An Eco-Friendly Brand with Jennifer Vinje, the Founder of Anueva Jewelry
In the spirit of Earth Day weekend, we wanted to celebrate by sharing ways to incorporate sustainable practices into our daily lives and by interviewing someone who has been creating waves in the world of eco-friendly entrepreneurship. Lucky for us, the founder of Anueva Jewelry, was able to come on our show and share her journey!

Episode 117 - How the ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series’ Changed Our Lives
This is the TLDL (too long didn’t listen) summary of what we learned from our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series’ that kicked off in January. We interviewed experts in the fields of emotional, occupational, spiritual, social, physical/nutritional, environmental, financial and intellectual wellness.

Episode 116 - Intellectual Wellness, Mindset and Self-Awareness w/ Dr. Saundra Shillingstad
Continuing with our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are diving into financial wellness! We wanted to bring on a guest that lives a similar lifestyle to most of us - loves to shop, travel, buy $8 lattes, live in a cute place and hang out with friends but has also found a way to prioritize saving, investing and planning for their future.

Episode 114 - How To Improve Your Financial Wellness with Erin Confortini
Continuing with our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are diving into financial wellness! We wanted to bring on a guest that lives a similar lifestyle to most of us - loves to shop, travel, buy $8 lattes, live in a cute place and hang out with friends but has also found a way to prioritize saving, investing and planning for their future.

Episode 113 - Sydney Adams’ Tips for Physical Wellness - Movement, Meals and Morning Routines
Continuing with our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are joined today by Sydney Adams! She is a fitness and lifestyle influencer with over a million followers across her social media channels where she shares content about her daily routines, workout tips, healthy habits and nutrition.
Episode 112 - How to Make Your Home Feel Good and Holistic Interior Design w/ Terri Cumming
Diving into the realm of environmental wellness for our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are joined today by Terri Cumming of Healthy Home by Design.

Episode 111 - Low-Tox Living, Eating Real Foods and Nutritional Wellness w/ Live Healthillie
Diving into the realm of nutrition for our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are honored to be joined by Iliriana Zeneli who is the CEO and founder of Live Healthillie. Illie is a holistic health coach, certified personal trainer, and wellness influencer with over 275,000+ followers on Instagram and TikTok.

Episode 109 - How To Start A Podcast: Everything We’ve Learned After 100+ Episodes
In this episode, we transparently share some of the hardest parts about having a podcast, as well as some of the most rewarding parts! All around, we would definitely say it’s worth it to start one but definitely take some time to listen to the episode all the way through if this is something you’ve been thinking about doing. We want to help shorten your learning curve and spare you the many headaches we went through.

Episode 108 - How to Develop Deep, Authentic Friendships, Red Flags in Community and The Five Friends You Need with Dr. Chelsea Shields (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of our conversation with award-winning anthropologist and TEDx Speaker Dr. Chelsea Shields. After working with clients all over the world to help them better understand how humans have evolved and what they’re socially influenced by, she has developed a theory about the five friends you need in life to contribute to your social safety net.

Episode 107 - Social Wellness, Belonging and Building A Social Safety Net with Dr. Chelsea Shields (Part 1)
In continuation of our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are honored to bring on Dr. Chelsea Shields who is an award-winning anthropologist, founder of Brandthropologie, a research and strategy consulting business, and multi-time TED fellow, speaker, and speaking coach.

Episode 106 - Spirituality, Manifestation and Intuition with Dheandra Nicolette
In continuation of our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are diving into spiritual wellness with Dheandra Nicolette. She is the host of Manifest Daily - a spiritual and lifestyle podcast that provides positive energy and support that listener’s need to return to their highest self and live your best life.

Episode 105 - Career Advice, How To Change Careers and Burnout with Ashley Stahl
In continuation of our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are delighted to bring on Ashley Stahl. She is a counterterrorism professional turned career coach, spokesperson, and author of the bestselling book, You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, Design Your Dream Career.

Episode 104 - Emotional Wellness, Balance and Harmony with Tiana Gidley
This is episode #1 of 8 in our Eight Dimensions of Wellness Series, where we break down the 8 different areas of our life that make us a whole, balanced person. When we decided to do this series, Tiana immediately came to mind as someone who we’d love to hear from in the areas of emotional and mental wellness.
Episode 103 - Self-Care Series: 8 Dimensions of Wellness
We think 2023 should be about listening to yourself and what works for YOU - a holistic approach to health. Every person is different and has unique needs so we wanted to dive into these 8 dimensions of wellness to help you figure out what your balanced life looks like.

Episode 102 - Hobbies: Why They’re Important, Our Favorite Hobbies, and Ideas to Try
In today’s episode, Allison and Ceara talk candidly about the importance of doing tasks and activities purely for fun. They talk about why they think hobbies are disappearing, hobbies they’ve participated in, their current hobbies, and what they hope to participate in in the coming months.

Episode 206 - How To Reflect On Your Year (FBF) // Original Air Date: 12/23/22
It seems like society puts a lot of emphasis and excitement on New Year’s resolutions, but we rarely talk about following up with the previous year’s accomplishments.

Episode 100 - 100 Ways To Improve Your Life
Wow… 100 episodes! We are so thrilled to have met this milestone. We couldn’t have done it without our amazing community of listeners and our support system of close loved ones.