Episode 106 - Spirituality, Manifestation and Intuition with Dheandra Nicolette


In continuation of our ‘8 Dimensions of Wellness Series,’ we are diving into spiritual wellness with Dheandra Nicolette. She is the host of Manifest Daily - a spiritual and lifestyle podcast that provides positive energy and support that listener’s need to return to their highest self and live your best life.

Dheandra also shares life lessons, personal experiences, self-care, self-love, navigating relationships, finances, faith, and so much more.


/ dheandra nicolette /

Dheandra is spiritual and lifestyle content creator, creative entrepreneur, and ambitious visionary. She currently resides in Dallas, Texas. Her purpose in this life is to help other souls return to their highest self, so they can live their best life.

Each week on her podcast, Manifest Daily, Dheandra shares her experiences and applications of grounded and digestible spiritual lessons. No stranger to topics such as conscious manifestation, parallel realities, energy cleansing, the Akashic records and so much more, Dheandra has found that by sharing her unique perspective and journey, she’s able to peel back the layers of societal masking and return to her authentic self while encouraging listeners to do the same. 


How did you begin your spiritual journey?

What does spiritual wellness mean to you?

Why is maintaining your spiritual well-being important?

What do you incorporate into your gratitude practice?

In layman's terms, what is manifestation?

What is your favorite form of manifestation? 

What does creating a life you love look like?

What advice do you have to tap into your intuition?

What does aligned action mean to you?


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The Manifest Daily - Podcast


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Episode 107 - Social Wellness, Belonging and Building A Social Safety Net with Dr. Chelsea Shields (Part 1)


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