Tips For Starting A Small Business (Audio)
we focus on small business and entrepreneurship in the realm of a product or service based.
in this episode we talk about:
the path of entrepreneurship
your 'why' for you and for your customers
introducing your idea to others for feedback & insights
doing extensive market research before launching
how to fund your new venture: bootstrap vs investors
the lifestyle of entrepreneurship and if it's for you
how we figured out the legal / accounting side
creating a marketing plan and ways to monetize
at what point do you quit your day job to go all in
lessons we've learned & things we'd do differently
make sure you use an email you have access to as the digital file will send to your email and you’ll have 24 hours to download it.
we focus on small business and entrepreneurship in the realm of a product or service based.
in this episode we talk about:
the path of entrepreneurship
your 'why' for you and for your customers
introducing your idea to others for feedback & insights
doing extensive market research before launching
how to fund your new venture: bootstrap vs investors
the lifestyle of entrepreneurship and if it's for you
how we figured out the legal / accounting side
creating a marketing plan and ways to monetize
at what point do you quit your day job to go all in
lessons we've learned & things we'd do differently
make sure you use an email you have access to as the digital file will send to your email and you’ll have 24 hours to download it.
we focus on small business and entrepreneurship in the realm of a product or service based.
in this episode we talk about:
the path of entrepreneurship
your 'why' for you and for your customers
introducing your idea to others for feedback & insights
doing extensive market research before launching
how to fund your new venture: bootstrap vs investors
the lifestyle of entrepreneurship and if it's for you
how we figured out the legal / accounting side
creating a marketing plan and ways to monetize
at what point do you quit your day job to go all in
lessons we've learned & things we'd do differently
make sure you use an email you have access to as the digital file will send to your email and you’ll have 24 hours to download it.