Episode 215 - Emotional Detoxing: How to Let Go of What’s Weighing You Down // How To Thrive In 2025 Series
Allison and Ceara continue their 'How to Thrive in 2025' series with emotional wellness, and how to let go of emotional toxins. They dive into the importance of detoxing emotionally, letting go of past traumas, and making space for new beginnings.
Listen on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/emotional-detoxing-how-to-let-go-of-whats-weighing/id1551814612?i=1000696196441
We highlight the challenges of navigating emotional baggage and the necessity of self-reflection in a fast-paced world. Our conversation delves into the complexities of emotional wellness, exploring how emotional outbursts often stem from unresolved feelings and the importance of addressing these emotions. We discuss various techniques for emotional release, such as journaling and breath work, and emphasize the need for self-awareness in identifying emotional burdens. We also highlight daily practices that can help maintain emotional wellness.
Emotional wellness is crucial for personal growth and relationships.
Letting go of resentment can lead to a healthier mindset.
Spring cleaning isn't just for your home; it's for your emotional state too.
Detoxing emotionally can create space for new opportunities.
Trusting your intuition can guide you in making necessary changes.
Hanging onto negative emotions harms only yourself.
Emotional outbursts often stem from unresolved feelings..
Journaling and breathwork are effective techniques for emotional release.
Daily practices like mindfulness can help maintain emotional wellness.
Emotional resilience is key to navigating life's challenges.
Allison Breath Work Rec - Wim Hof YouTube Videos
Allison Emotional Release Rec - EFT Tapping
Ceara Meditation Book Rec - Pocketful of Miracles
Journal Prompts for Identifying What’s Weighing You Down:
“What thoughts keep you up at night?”,
“Who or what are you holding resentment towards?”,
“What’s been draining your energy?”
“What emotions did I feel today? What triggered them?”
“Who or what drains my energy? Who or what replenishes it?”
“What recurring thoughts do I have about myself or my life? Are they supportive or harmful?”
“Are there past events or unresolved issues still affecting me emotionally?”
Ep # 104 - Emotional Wellness, Balance and Harmony with Tiana Gidley
Ep # 166 - Mental Health, Mood Disorders and Medicine with Hannah Heidel / @nourisheddgirl
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