Episode 208 - How to Overcome Failure and Learn From Your Mistakes
Happy New Year, friends! In this episode, we share about our holiday travels, time with family and year end reflections - both personally and professionally. Before jumping into new goal setting energy for 2025, we wanted to share the importance of reflection, analyzing data, shortcomings, failures and mistakes in order to set better, more aligned and more realistic goals in the year ahead. We emphasize how crucial it is to be accountable and honest with ourselves, loved ones and community.
Plus, we wrap up with some fun updates and changes that are coming to the podcast!
Listen on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-overcome-failure-and-learn-from-your-mistakes/id1551814612?i=1000683441188
Reflecting on the past year is crucial before setting new goals.
Acknowledging failures is a necessary part of growth.
Setting realistic goals can prevent feelings of overwhelm.
Learning from your own and other’s past experiences.
Setting realistic goals can lead to more sustainable progress.
Small wins build confidence and encourage continued effort.
Listening to one's instincts is vital in decision-making.
Community feedback is important in shaping future initiatives.
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