Episode 150 - De-Influencing and How To Avoid Holiday Overconsumption


Things become trendy so fast. Trends can start and stop without you even realizing they happened. It can be hard to know what items are worth the hype and what items are a total bust. This is how the trend of ‘de-influencing videos’ on TikTok started. Social media consumers were tired of seeing an overwhelming amount of content recommending things that either the influencer knew didn’t work, weren’t made to last or were just promoting for a paycheck. 

And now as the holidays are upon us, we’re being bombarded with ads even more. You literally can’t escape advertisements unless you basically live off grid and even then, could you actually?! They’re everywhere from social media to billboards to radio ads to podcast ads to in-store signage. With a majority of businesses trying to capitalize on year end sales, influencers are asked to do more and more campaigns.

With inflation on the rise, it’s a lot to keep up with regular bills, student loan payments, saving for a house or car and raising families. It’s a privilege to have any disposable income after all that to put towards self-care, travel, shopping, wellness, events and gift-giving. It’s no surprise how stressed out many people are this time of year which is why we wanted to do an episode about de-influencing and share our thoughts about overconsumption. We want you all to be healthy, happy and financially well this season so we can all end 2023 on a high note. 


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Episode 151 - Beginner’s Guide to Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life


Episode 149 - WWYBD?! Living With Parents, Dealing With Criticism and Getting Over Crushes